you're a mystery yourself
Sunday, September 30, 2007
10:45 PM

Teenage Affluenza
Is this an epidemic fuelled by parents?
Is life too easy?Life is so easy for too many children; they don't know what it means to work hard to acquire their desires. They ask for and are given just about everything they want far too easily.
We are in a generation of excess. They want it all, and they want it now!

Results of over indulgence
Some psychologists say that parents who overindulge their kids may be setting them up for future anxiety and depression. Recent studies show that kids who were given too much too soon often have difficulty coping with life's disappointments as adults. They have a distorted sense of entitlement that gets in the way of successful relationships at home and in the future - the workplace.

What the experts say
Experts also warn that parents are spoiling their kids; not just with material things, but by failing to set limits, not requiring that chores be done on a regular basis, not making the child wait or earn money for items they want, and smoothing away all the child's frustrations in order to keep them happy, no matter what. According to experts, this type of parenting can lead to lack of motivation, low self-esteem and irresponsible behaviour.

What happens when you don't say no
Parent's who can't say no is an unexpected legacy of the affluent 90's. This generation of parent has always been driven to give their teen every advantage. Now a growing number of psychologists, educators, and parents have come to the realisation that all this overindulging is producing lazy, self-involved, and irresponsible teenagers that are prone to drop out of school, continue to live with their parents into their mid to late twenties and beyond, and may develop a dependency on drugs and alcohol.

Be their parent
What children need most at this time is for parents to be a parent; not their best friend. Today's parents put in more hours on the job; at the end of the work week it's tempting to give in to the guilt for not spending quality time with their kids, or to buy peace with a "yes". Overindulged children often have lower self-esteem, a direct contradiction to what most overindulgent parents are trying to achieve with their coddling. Instead of having a sense of self-confidence they have a sense of knowing that their parents will take care of things for them.

i've been reading alot on teenage affluenza and poverty around the world lately. and yesterday's lecture series was one of globalisation which is somehow connected to teenage affluenza and poverty.
i've realised the importance of GP, not just merely studying for it as a subject, but rather understanding what's happening around the world and inspiring you to make a change in the world.
We are so fortunate and we are given whatever things we ask for.
Often, we read the newspapers about poverty, aids, and all kinds of things, but most of the time, we don't sit back and reflect and empathise with these less fortunate people that we're reading about.

In today's world, it is only us, youths that can make a difference in the world that we live in, due to the fact that we're most updated with what's happening around the world and that we're the most energetic ones living in this world.

Life has equal value no matter where it is lived. i'm sure 90% of us didn't even thought about this. it pierced through my heart like a double-edged sword when Mr Tong said it during lecture yesterday. its just one sentence and its so impactful. personally, i've never ever thought about this, it has never occured to me that we are all equal beings though some may not be as powerful nor as rich as others. we are all human beings and we deserve the right to live. everyone is essential in playing a role in the world that we're living in.

As i've mentioned earlier, today, real power does not lie in the hands of the government, but rather, in the hands of the individual. We should be inspired and want to do something in the society in which we are living in.

I urged all those out there to broaden your perspective of life. Change your mindset of life. Life is much more than just studying and going to school, but most importantly, life would be more meaningful for you and me if we decide to breach the gap between us and the less fortunate today.

Life has never been so meaningful to me until now, when i've realised that i can do and will do something to touch the hearts and life of many.

&the beauty.


Mabel Low
simple, plain and boring

bahhh! :)

loves & hates

i don't hate, i love all.


if only the world is so simple that you can get whatever you want.


other worlds

Denise & Adlin
Jing Hao
Jin Yu
Yew Liang
Yi Xiang
Yuan Ing


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